

英日字典: electric_shock

electric shock   (TTS Sound)

The electric_shock has 3 Senses.

  • electric shock
  • the use of electricity to administer punishment or torture; "they used cattle prods to administer electric shocks"
  • 罰または拷問を行うための電気の使用

  • electric shock
  • trauma caused by the passage of electric current through the body (as from contact with high voltage lines or being struck by lightning); usually involves burns and abnormal heart rhythm and unconsciousness
  • 電流が体を通過することによる外傷性傷害(高圧線との接触や雷に打たれるというような)

  • electrical shock, shock, electric shock
  • 電気ショック
  • a reflex response to the passage of electric current through the body; "subjects received a small electric shock when they made the wrong response"; "electricians get accustomed to occasional shocks"
  • 体内を通じる電流の通過への反射的な反応

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